
广告词 108 0

禁止吸烟 No smoking

绝对禁止吸烟 Positively no smoking

禁止摊贩入内 Paddler prohibited

禁止通行 No thoroughfare

禁止车马通行 No thoroughfare for vehicles and horses

禁踏草地 Keep off the grass

禁止入内 Off limits

禁止招贴 Post no bills

禁止儿童入内 No children will be admitted

非公莫入 No admittance except on business

闲人免进 Authorized personnel only

请肃静 Be silent

随手关门 Shut the door after you

谢绝参观 No visitors allowed

欢迎光临 Welcome to ......

请脱鞋 Shoes off

请脱帽 Please remove your hats

免费入场 Admission is free

本日休业 Closed to-day

向右行也 Keep to the right

此路不通 Blocked

油漆未干 Wet paint

不准手触 Hands off

不准停车 No parking

出售 For sale

售完 Sold

本日售完 All sold out to-day

非卖品 Not for sale

谨防扒手 Beware of pickpocket

谨防恶犬 Beware of vicious dog

小心火烛 Beware of fire

厕所 Latrine,Lavatory

女厕 Ladies

男厕 Gentlemen

房屋出售 House to let

房屋出租 House for rent

保证满意 Satisfaction guaranted

保证完全满意 Full Satisfaction guaranted

如服务不周免收费用 Money back if our service is found unsatisfactory

价钱公道 Reasonable price

赊账免言 No credit charge

年度大贱卖 Annual cheap sale

交货迅速 Quick service

一周交货 One week delivery

保持直立 To be kept upright

保持完整 To be kept perfectly

小心搬动 Handle with care

特别当心搬动 Handle with great care

此边向上 This side up

此端向上 This end up

易碎品 Fragile

易腐品 Perishable

保持干燥 Must be kept dry,keep dry

保持凉冷 Keep cool

存放于凉冷地方 Stow in a cool place

保持平放 Keep flat

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